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[Checkout] MCAT Chem/Phys & Bio/Biochem Mastery Course + 1 Tutoring Session

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7 Modules | 65 Video Lessons | 38 Passage Walkthroughs | Live Group Tutoring Sessions

  • Taught by 515+ MCAT scorers (130+ in C/P & B/B) in med-school. All of whom struggled through MCAT prep, have been in your shoes, had a fast-score increase, and have helped many students increase their scores.
  • 1 Tutoring Session
  • More value than 20 hours of 1-on-1 C/P & B/B tutoring. 
  • Improve your C/P & B/B confidence going into the MCAT.
  • Learn how to translate your knowledge into passages.
  • Absorb the 130+ C/P & B/B scorer thought process.

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Action steps + lesson notes for every video 

Access anywhere, On any device: Improve on-the-go

14 Day Money Back Guarantee

Being on the "Dr." journey ourselves, we can empathize when it comes to you not wanting to waste your own money (or that of someone supporting you). Which is why we have a simple guarantee for you: this course delivers what it promises. If you don’t like this course or you don’t feel like you’re getting more value out of it than the money you invested, just let us know within 14 days of your purchase date and we’ll send you a refund, no questions asked.

 *We cannot refund used tutoring sessions, but can refund all remaining unused sessions and the course. All course + coaching packages include savings when bundled together and therefore any refunds with used coaching sessions will result in a loss of these savings (aka adjusting your sessions to the normal price value)*

We've all been in your shoes. It's time we help you step into ours.

  • Finally break through the "495 to 505" range, where nearly every (average) premed gets stuck, by applying strategy that is research-backed, proven to work, and easy to implement.
  • MCAT Content + Strategy Focused Mentoring From Verified Top Scorers: One-on-one sessions with a top scorer who is dedicated to increasing your MCAT score to as high as possible by test day, so you can be competitive for med-school.
  • Customized Guidance For Your Individual Needs: Receive personalized tutoring with your perfectly matched tutor, specifically chosen for your unique weaknesses, current situation, and ongoing challenges.
  • Strategies to always finish the MCAT on time with complete focus, motivation, efficiency, and high performance through each section, and no longer being forced to make guesses. 
  • Coaching From Someone Who Actually Struggled And Can Relate: There are no "experts" here. No natural geniuses who scored 515+ in 4 weeks of prep on their first attempt. MCAT prep was a grind for all of us, which means you can be sure that your mentor will know exactly what you're going through and will support you 100% with strategy, but also emotionally and mentally.
  • Increased Confidence Going Into The MCAT: Say goodbye to MCAT stress and anxiety when preparing for the MCAT with a top MCAT scorer holding your hand through the journey, ensuring you're preparing in the most optimal way to achieve your goal MCAT score.
  • Absorb How Top MCAT Scorers Think Through Passages: As your mentor guides you through AAMC passages, showing you how they think through passages, questions, answer choices, and coaches you as you do the same, you'll come out thinking exactly how the AAMC wants you to think when you're in med-school.
  • Break The 511 Mark To Be Competitive For Med-School: Get answers to your most pressing roadblocks and questions that are holding your score down below the competitive range.

"I got sessions with a tutor and she helped me so, so much. She was really able to understand where I was getting stuck and why and then how to help. Having someone to show how they went through each passage, what they highlighted, or what they wrote down helped me a lot to actually figure out what to focus on in passages and boosted my score a ton... I was able to raise my score 19 points in about 6 weeks from all the tips she gave me and the calendar we planned together!"

Tutoring Checkout Pages

Annabella D.

From 496 to 515 in 6 weeks

With only 2 weeks left before my exam I was extremely anxious and nervous. Rather than postpone or cancel my exam, I decided to invest in private tutoring and it was well worth it! After my first session, my practice exam score increased by 9 points and my actual MCAT score was higher than I scored on any of my practice exams. I am really grateful for [my tutor's] help and strategies.

Tutoring Checkout Pages

Anne Pino


I was so desperate for anything that might help. Someone had mentioned that this was a good, affordable resource and they were spot on! The MCAT Mastery tutoring and courses are so encouraging and helpful. I wish I would have found this resource earlier in my study. These resources helped me improve me score by 12 points in one month.

Tutoring Checkout Pages

Noah Gilreath

From 498 to 510 in 30 days

Taking the MCAT and seeing barely any score improvement really takes a toll on your mental wellbeing, and I felt like I lost all confidence in myself, almost like I was not smart enough to take this test.... I really was at my lowest point, and once [my tutor] began tutoring me, I saw an instant and exponential growth in how I was scoring in passages. In fact, just last week I took my first practice test and my overall score ended up being a 513 (127 chem/phys, 128 CARS, 129 bio/biochem, 129 psych/soc)!

Tutoring Checkout Pages

Roselyn Giordano

3 time mcat re-taker: increased her score to 513

Frequently Asked Questions!

What are the free weekly group tutoring sessions exactly?

Every week, once a week, a different 515+ scorer MCAT Mastery Mentor hosts a 60-90 minute group tutoring session with students who are paid members of our community; who are tutoring 1:1, or are enrolled in any one of our courses.

In these group tutoring sessions, you can ask your own questions, learn from other students' questions, meet others who are taking the MCAT as well, make connections, learn from the tutor about test-taking strategy, get passage walkthroughs, and so much more!

Basically, you're getting an additional free weekly tutoring session with any package you buy! How valuable is that?!?

We want to do everything we can to help you get to your score goal :)

Is MCAT tutoring worth it?

How much money are you going to spend, or have you already spent pushing back your MCAT, retaking the MCAT, and buying prep books? What good are the prep books if you don’t know how to properly use them?

What good is buying a car without knowing how to drive and how risky is it to try to teach yourself how to drive? You need an instructor. We’ll teach you how to properly learn the content, help you with anything you’re struggling with, so you can (most importantly) SAVE TIME! Speaking of time...

How much is your time worth? Top MCAT scorers put extreme importance on their time. If you’re not worrying about the MCAT anymore, you can put focus and energy into applications, working, and so much more other stuff - including taking a well-deserved break and actually enjoying the summer. But none of that can happen if you're trying to "reinvent the wheel" and figure out the MCAT game by yourself, instead of getting guidance from someone who has already beat it.

If you’re going to be a doctor think like a doctor now - value your time at $150+ per hour. We believe we can fast-track your MCAT score progress by a month or more with our strategies and insights. Without these methods, you’ll be trying to figure it out yourself - like a tourist without a map.

So yes, tutoring is worth it and it will pay for itself.

How is tutoring at MCAT Mastery different than other tutoring services?

After paying lots of money for expensive prep courses and tutoring, we barely saw any results…

We now know what's missing with most other MCAT tutors and tutoring companies.

To name a few things:

- You’re often assigned to "MCAT experts", who have no proof of high score

- Those tutors aren’t focused on strategy, even though they know the content

- If they scored well, they’re usually ‘naturals’ with no idea of how to teach

- Their focus isn't on extremely fast score improvement

Think about it, if you make slow progress in your score while getting tutoring, that means you take more tutoring sessions, which means more of an income for them. This is why we think it's really rare to find high quality tutoring

But our focus is different…

Our goal from the very first session is to supercharge your score improvement as quickly as possible - regardless of when your test date is.

The sooner we can get you to your score goal, the sooner we can help someone else. We don’t have dozens of tutors like other companies. It’s just a few of us with limited time because most of us are in med-school!

If you want us to hold your hand all throughout your MCAT prep, all the way until your MCAT test date itself, we can do that for you too.

This initiative is us giving back - not trying to overcharge you so we can live in luxury... We'll save that for when we're doctors!

Unlike most companies, we’re not going to charge you $90+ per hour for a tutoring session. Kaplan charges $250+. That’s kind of ridiculous. 

I'm skeptical. Why are your tutoring services so much cheaper than everything else out there?

We're a small team trying to help as many students as we can. We're not trying to be the next Kaplan or TPR. Unlike most companies, we're not so far removed from your current situation that we care about profits more than we care about our students. We know the burden debt carries. Being a premed costs a lot. Way too much. We've paid the prices ourselves (still are) and we believe it's absolutely ridiculous that so many companies charge an arm and a leg to help students, simply because they know that when premeds need to get into med-school, they're at their most vulnerable stage because getting to med-school means so much. Which means you (and/or your parents) will pay them what they're asking because you're already so invested. It's not fair and this is us 'fighting back' and doing our part. We understand that you might have the idea that you 'get what you pay for' but that's not the case here. Hope that provides some perspective :)

Why are you offering tutoring? Aren't you busy with med-school?

Year after year, we’ve been asked by students in the MCAT Mastery Community if we offer one-on-one tutoring by the MCAT Masters in our team…

Every time, we’ve had to apologize and let our students know we just don’t have the time to offer those services…

Every time, we could feel the disappointment. It was painful for us to turn them away while we focused on first creating the best MCAT strategy resources in the world.

We realized that some students just need one-on-one personal MCAT help.

Some students are smart enough to know that climbing this mountain all alone, one that determines whether or not you'll make it to med-school, is not a good idea.

We realized sometimes you just need someone credible to hear you out, and offer customized advice on exactly what you need to do for your personal struggles, challenges, and frustrations.

Most importantly, you need someone who’s been in the same situation you’re currently in, someone who came out of that situation a top scorer… to tell you exactly what to do to increase your score to a competitive level by your test date! No matter where you're at right now.

You need someone to tell you exactly what you need to do to get your score competitive enough to get your application actually looked at by med-schools. Which means, depending on your GPA and which school you want to get into, you generally need a 510 or higher.

So having had these realizations...

We made the decision to launch MCAT Mastery Mentoring.

We’re super excited for this! You deserve the best MCAT prep guidance and you shouldn’t have to break the bank for it…

Because you deserve to reach your MCAT score goal, get into med-school, and create a life helping people…

Where and how will I meet my tutor?

You'll be able to schedule your sessions with your tutor based on your own convenience. All sessions are done online through an online web meeting software (free for you). 

What if I'm not happy with my tutor?

If you're not happy with your tutor, we can assign you to a new one! Or we can give you a refund if you've had two or less sessions and it hasn't been over 60 days since you purchased.

What happens if I don't use up all my sessions?

Your sessions will never expire so you're free to use them at any time. You can also upgrade to our med-school admission coaching packages with your remaining sessions and balance. You can learn more about our med-school application coaching packages here on our sister site, at MedLife Mastery =)

How is the overall program/package structured? (ie. Is there a schedule I will need to follow?) I am asking because I work full-time and wanted to know if the tutors were flexible.

You won’t need to follow a specific schedule. You can choose your session dates/times that are available based on your preference. In your first meeting, you and your tutor may spend a few minutes coming up with a study plan/schedule and meeting frequencies that are most efficient for you and your situation specifically. Our tutors are very flexible :)

Does the tutoring program provide materials such as any textbook, practice questions and tests, etc.?

At this time we don’t provide any additional MCAT prep resources.

The main reason is that most students who sign up already have their own MCAT prep resources they’re using. Plus there are already some high quality MCAT prep materials out there and until we can create something better than what’s already available, we’re not going to sell resources that will only overwhelm our students, just for an extra profit.

If you’re in the boat where you don’t have MCAT prep resources at the moment, we suggest you spend a few minutes during your first session with your tutor to ask them what resources they give their highest recommendations to! That way you can save time from having to do the research yourself, and you know exactly what company/products to invest in for a great score.

Also if you already have MCAT prep resources you’re using which you like, our tutors are more than happy to work with the materials you already have. We will also try our best to match you with a tutor who also used the same resources as you so they can show you how to use them to achieve a score like theirs!

How do you match me with a tutor? Am I paired with someone or do I choose one?

How soon would the tutoring start once I sign up?

Once you sign up for a tutoring package, you can start as soon as within 24-48 hours. After signing up, you’ll be asked to fill out a questionnaire about your MCAT journey so far - how you’ve been studying, your weakest areas, the resources you’ve been using, and so much more. The more detail you can provide, the better it will be. We will use your responses to match you with a tutor (within 24 hours) and we’ll send you a link to your tutor’s calendar schedule. From there you can schedule your first session. Your tutor will use your responses to the questions to prepare, so that from the very first session they can begin working with you on improving your score!

What is the schedule if I get the X session tutor package? Do I get to choose when the sessions are?

Generally, the schedule will be worked out between you and your tutor.

After you sign up, you’ll get access to your tutor’s calendar, where you will select and schedule your first (or more) tutoring session(s) with them. 

They don’t have to be scheduled all at once. You can schedule them one-by-one as you go, or perhaps after you have worked with your tutor to create an optimal studying plan until your test date :)

Am I just paying for tutors to tell me strategies?

No you're not going to be sitting in a strategy lecture for an hour. We're not just here to give you strategies. We're here to give you strategies AND show you how to apply them for YOUR specific situation, your learning style, your schedule, your score goal, your weaknesses/strengths, and so on. Having someone analyze your current methods, including how you read through and comprehend passages, plus diagnose what's holding your score back, then telling you exactly what you need to do to start seeing your score increase, is priceless. That's what we do.

If you get a personal trainer, they tell you more than just what workouts to do and when (even though that's valuable in itself). For some people, that alone is enough. But they also show you how they applied those teachings, they watch your form, they hold you accountable, they create your workout schedule for your goals and your deadline, and so much more. Think of us as your personal "MCAT" trainers ;)

In short, you can always hope you find the right strategies and try to figure it out for yourself, kind of like a patient trying to diagnose and cure themselves by Google searching their days away, or you can go to a doctor who can just fix the issues for you so you (and your MCAT score) can feel much better after :)

Yea, we're full of analogies lol

Also if you need help brushing up on some content, we'll help you there too - it's not always just about the strategies.

Why should I work with you when not all of you got 520+ scores?

Great question!

The reason we ALL didn't get 525+ scores and the reason why we're so confident in our tutoring abilities, is exactly the same...

We're average students who had to scramble in figuring out how to be above average quickly.

We were just like the 90% of students who sign up to work with us everyday, who would be thrilled to quickly improve their scores by 10 or more points and get to a competitive mark (and that mark is whatever is relevant for the med-school their aiming for), usually in the 510+ area. 

Scores don't mean anything if your 525+ scoring tutor can't relate to you in your struggles and where you're at, or what it's like to be scoring in the low 490s. Those scores don't mean anything if they can't teach well, or if it took them 8 months to get their scores there, whereas you only have 1-2 months. Knowing how to improve scores quickly is so important.

That's not to say we've never had students score 519+, because we have. It all depends on individual needs and goals. Whatever your goal is, we're happy to support it, even if that means getting you to a score that surpasses our own.

Lastly, would you really be disappointed if you scored a 515? What about a 510? We like to keep things real and would really enjoy working with you, if you do too!

By the way, if you wanted to be assigned to a 100th percentile scoring tutor, we'd be happy to do that for you (providing they're available). 

Do you offer a payment plan option? 

Yes! When you click 'Book Now' on your desired tutoring session package, you'll see the option to pay in instalments. Also if you choose the "PayPal" option at checkout, you'll see an option to "Pay in 4" instalments, with no interest charge! You can learn more about that on this page

Do you work with students who have special MCAT accommodations (learning disability, etc.)?

Yes definitely! We've worked with many students who need MCAT accommodations and have guided them through that process as well. We understand how frustrating it might be when you're trying to make progress on the MCAT but feel like you're at a disadvantage. We're here to help you 'level the playing field' and get a competitive MCAT score :)

Do you work with nontraditional students?

YES! We welcome and love working with nontraditional students. Several of the mentors on the team were also nontraditional students when taking the MCAT, so we can definitely relate. If you fall under the 'nontrad' category, your level of passion and dedication towards beating this exam inspires us. We've worked with many in the past in improving their scores and are happy to work with you too!

What if I just want help in one section of the MCAT?

That's completely fine! If you just need help in CARS, we'll pair you with our best available CARS Master who scored 130+ in that section. Same goes for any other section. You can use all your sessions for focused help in just that one section. You make the rules - we don't enforce a specific template on how you need to study for the MCAT because everyone is different. You have your own strengths and weaknesses so we respect that and want to use that to our advantage to get your scores up FAST. 

At what point in my MCAT prep should I sign up?

First, identify which situation you're in:
- I have a lot of time left before my test date
- I have very little time left before my test date

If you have a lot of time

Here is the obvious answer; if you KNOW you're going to sign up to work with us, then sign up as soon as possible. Why? The sooner you meet your tutor, the sooner you can verify you're on the right track to a high score. The sooner you can get your MCAT prep methods, your thought process/logic, your practice methods, your schedule, and so much more, diagnosed by a coach. Think about it; it's better to get your form checked BEFORE you do the exercises on your own and likely injure yourself, as opposed to meeting your personal trainer/coach sooner so you have an easy, painless progression. 

You can space your sessions out however you like so even if you use one now and then the rest in your last few weeks, that's fine. BUT it's a smart idea for you to get your MCAT prep approach diagnosed and fixed immediately so you can have a smooth, steady increase to your MCAT score goal. You don't want to be in panic mode 4-8 weeks before the MCAT if you're not scoring where you need to be. 

Also as you know, we focus on increasing scores fast. Imagine you're hitting your target score goal more than 4 weeks before test date. How amazing would you feel knowing that it can ONLY get better from here? Another obvious reason to sign up as early as possible.

It becomes MUCH harder for us to help you increase your score the later you come to us.

If you have a little bit of time

Now if you JUST found out about us today and you have less than a month or less than two months left, then that's okay, don't panic. Of course this is when we really recommend signing up ASAP because you need urgent help.

Again, ideally the sooner the better but this situation is out of your control. But don't worry - we got you here as well. This is what we do, this is what we specialize in. We've helped many students in your shoes increase their scores. As long as you're willing to do what it takes at this point and not just take our advice, but actually apply it, you should be good!

More Questions? Need Help?

Get in touch here!

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Will MCAT Tutoring Work For Me?

We've worked with thousands of students. Here's what determines your success more than anything else.

You'll see the most benefit with MCAT tutoring if...

  • You've tried studying on your own first but you're not seeing scores increase consistently with every practice exam (no upward trend or plateauing scores)
  • You’re just starting MCAT prep, are already feeling overwhelmed, and could use a mentor to create a strategic MCAT study plan for you that is proven to work (and you're willing to stick to it!)
  • You have already taken the MCAT once or more before and suffered a low score - making this attempt extremely important
  • You're struggling with finishing the exam or specific sections on time
  • You need to do well on the MCAT to make up for a low GPA or other factors already weakening your application and need help from someone who understands how important this is for you
  • You're procrastinating too much, struggling to stay motivated, and can use someone hold you accountable and coach you through to an improved score
  • You're not understanding specific content from particular section(s) of the MCAT and could use a friend to explain it to you in a simple, easy-to-understand manner
  • You're a nontraditional student and are finding it difficult to study/improve your scores and could use guidance from another non-traditional student who successfully beat this exam
  • You have a learning disability and are getting accommodations, but need help studying to 'level the playing field' and would find it helpful to work with a top scorer who also dealt with similar challenges

You'll see the least benefits with MCAT tutoring if...

  • You're looking for a secret shortcut that will increase your score overnight
  • You're not willing to change/tweak your current MCAT study methods
  • You're not willing to put in the time and energy necessary to get a competitive score
  • You don't have a desire to get yourself in a positive/optimistic frame of mind
  • You're not willing to make studying for the MCAT a priority in your life (especially in the last few weeks)
  • You don't see the value in using strategy over memorization and just learning content
  • You're not willing to open up to your tutor about everything that could be holding you back, even if it's hard to talk about
  • You're not willing to follow a strategic MCAT study plan your tutor helps you create (if you need it)
  • You're unsure about whether you want to be a doctor (the MCAT tests you indirectly on this!)

How We'll Get Your MCAT Score Up Before Your Test Date

The same way we got their score up 👇 

Proven MCAT C/P & B/B Strategies

We'll show you how to strategically work through those long, confusing science passages. Everything from interpreting/analyzing the charts/tables/graphs to understanding the passages, questions, and answer choices in your first read. 

Proven MCAT CARS Strategies

We'll show you simple tricks to start seeing through the boring, tricky CARS passages and answer choices. Improving your reading comprehension and critical thinking can be easier than you think and once you get this down, you'll do better in all the other sections of the MCAT, which will lead to a smooth ride to your competitive 511+ MCAT score!

Customized MCAT Study Plan and Schedule

There isn't one MCAT study "schedule" template that is right for everyone. Top scorers know this. But there is a right way to create one for yourself to guarantee MCAT success. We'll work with you to create your own individual, custom study plan, while tracking your progress along the way and making adjustments where necessary to ensure you achieve your score goal.

Master MCAT Content

Mastery of MCAT content is the first step towards a 511+ score. If you're struggling with any specific section(s), we'll make sure you understand it quickly. We'll especially help you get a strong grasp of all high yield topics that we know you're going to be tested on. We've mastered every single section on the MCAT and a lot of us even majored in Chem, Phys, and/or Bio!

Proven MCAT Practice & Review Strategies

A lot of premeds mess up MCAT practice because they don't know how or when to practice, yet this is the MOST IMPORTANT piece of the puzzle to a high MCAT score. We'll show you exactly how to go about it and also work through any practice questions you're struggling with. By working with us on practice questions, you'll understand the "511+ scorer way of thinking" and you'll never struggle with a similar question.

MCAT Success Mindset Strategies

We'll show you how to maintain a healthy mindset through MCAT prep. Know that we're your mentors who not only help you with MCAT content and strategy, but are also your motivational guides, your coaches that hold you accountable, your supportive friends, those who you can connect with and rely on to be there for you in the worst times, and your best times, as we all progress on our journey to becoming doctors!

We wish we had been in your shoes right now.

We wasted a lot of time trying to figure out the key to a competitive MCAT score ourselves.

We wish we had been in your shoes right now, having this option to just fast-track your score by working with someone who already figured it out.

We wouldn't have had to retake and push back dates.

We wouldn’t have broken down in tears after seeing the results of those practice tests we had high hopes for.

We wouldn’t have felt like we were going to lose everything we’ve worked hard for and spent so much money on.

We wouldn’t have had to see and deal with the heavy pressure 24/7 that we placed on ourselves, that we felt from parents, that we felt from all our friends who were actually doing better than us and progressing faster!

Most importantly, we wouldn’t have had to do it all alone.

But you don't have to. We're here for you...

We're here to help you now, so you can help your patients later.

We're excited for you to help your future patients and make a positive difference in their lives.

But first let us help you, if you need it, so you can live this dream.

We firmly believe the MCAT shouldn't have the power to stop us from getting to our phyician vision.

But regardless of if we work together or not, believe in yourself and know...

You got this,
Your MedLife Mastery Mentors ❤️

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MCAT TUTORING hours since 2019!

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MCAT mentors WITH 515+ SCORES!

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