
Complete AAMC MCAT Text Passage Dissections By 99th Percentile MCAT Scorers

Over 75 Step-By-Step Text Walkthroughs Showing You Exactly How 130+ CARS, Chem/Phys, and Bio/Biochem Scorers Go Through Real AAMC MCAT Passages, Identify Main Ideas, Analyze Questions and Answer Choices, Interpret Figures & Graphs, and Consistently Pinpoint the Right Answers!

There’s nothing more powerful for improving your MCAT score than having a 130+ scorer by your side for each section...

  • Guide you with commentary through AAMC passages, paragraph by paragraph, showing you exactly what to look out for.
  • Point out traps and identify the key points, showing you the simple logic behind it all
  • Identify the main idea of the entire passage + show you how to come up with it yourself.
  • Analyze the question stems, explaining what to pay attention to and what to ignore.
  • Go through each answer choice, showing you how to identify the pitfalls and traps that question-writers have placed there.
  • Make strategic eliminations, explaining the logic of how to get closer to the right answer as quickly as possible.
  • And finally get to the right answer every time, with clear-cut reasoning, showing you the repeated patterns so you can start picking them up on your own on test day.

Marina // Course Member

Hands down the best CARS prep out there. And they also give amazing MCAT strategies overall! I highly recommend the CARS dissections, they were not only engaging but were beyond helpful. After just reading a few of the dissections, I was able to improve my comprehension and was able to answer the questions with better understanding and speed. MCAT Mastery is by far the most trustworthy for MCAT prep compared to other MCAT prep companies! You will not regret it!

Cheyenne Lilienthal // Course Member

...Reading through the MCAT Mastery passage dissections because they literally break down each paragraph for you to help understand it is what you're reading, because we all know that sometimes these passages make 0 sense, but the walkthrough was SO helpful in understanding the main idea.

They also show you HOW helpful understanding the main idea is (that you can figure out so many questions just referring back to it!). They also help you identify why the wrong answers are wrong, which is extremely helpful. They break the passage down for you and honestly help relieve anxiety about the sometimes overwhelming passages by harping on the main idea and sticking to what the AUTHOR is actually saying (which students often confuse).

These walkthroughs were invaluable; I HIGHLY recommend going through them if you are trying to increase your MCAT score.

Elana Thomas // Course Member

I stumbled upon MCAT Mastery at the very beginning of my MCAT prep. Their Mastery Report & VIP services had everything you’ll need content-wise to greatly boost your score! Start early to get through it all. My CARS score was stagnant for 2 entire months prior to using the CARS QP 1 dissection. After completing the dissection my CARS score went from 123->127 on practice exams! Not only did my CARS score increase but my bios and psych did as well! Thanks for the support MCAT Mastery!

Get Access To Your AAMC MCAT Passage Dissections

Choose the sections you need the most help in, to get the fastest score increase. Or get them all in one course by selecting one of the package options.

AAMC Chemistry QPack Text Passage Dissections

Step-by-step walkthroughs for all 20 AAMC Chemistry QPack questions by a 130+ C/P scorer, for only $27.

AAMC Physics QPack Text Passage Dissections

Step-by-step walkthroughs for all 20 AAMC Physics QPack questions by a 130+ C/P scorer, for only $27.

AAMC CARS QPack 1 Text Passage Dissections

Step-by-step walkthroughs for all 21 AAMC CARS QPack questions by a 130+ CARS scorer, for only $27.

AAMC Biology QPack 1 Text Passage Dissections

Step-by-step walkthroughs for all 18 AAMC B/B QPack questions by a 130+ B/B scorer, for only $27.

[MCAT Chem/Phys Bundle] Chemistry & Physics QPack Passage Dissections Package

Step-by-step walkthroughs for all AAMC Chemistry & Physics QPack questions by 130+ scorers, for only $47.

[MCAT Natural Sciences Bundle] Chem, Physics, and Biology QPack Passage Dissections Package

Step-by-step walkthroughs for all AAMC Chemistry & Physics QPack questions by 130+ scorers, for only $67.

[MCAT Complete Dissections Bundle] Chemistry, Physics, CARS, and Biology QPack Passage Dissections Package

Step-by-step walkthroughs for all 18 Biology passage dissections, 21 CARS passage dissections, 20 Chemistry passage dissections, 20 Physics passage dissections by strictly 130+ section scorers, for only $87.

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How These 90+ Percentile MCAT Scorer AAMC Passage Dissections Will Help You Master Your Weakest Sections Once and For All

These dissections are for you if you want to:

Start Identifying The Main Idea Accurately, Easily, and Quickly.

You already know how important it is to find the main idea of the passage - every 'CARS guru' tells you that. But no one actually demonstrates HOW to find it! You'll get countless demonstrations here that will make 'finding the main idea' second nature to you. And don't be fooled - you can extract the 'main idea' for all the other sections as well which make can identifying the right answer a lot easier.

Identify Your Section-Specific Weaknesses.

Can' figure out where you keep messing up? When you see a top scorer in action, completing a passage with the right strategies, you'll notice what you're doing inefficiently that's causing you to constantly miss the right answers. That 'aha' moment is beautiful - you're going to get a lot of those with these dissections. 

Absorb The Right Approach By Repeated Examples.

When you repeatedly see how a 130+ scorer goes through an MCAT passage, you'll automatically absorb their way of thinking and you'll start doing the same on your own. You'll get the right 'feel' for what to look out for in the jungle of irrelevant information, and you might not even know why you're getting more right answers. Happens all the time - think of it as 'learning osmosis'!

Enhance Your MCAT Timing & Focus.

By following the thought process of a top scorer over and over again, you'll develop a detailed mental blueprint of exactly how to methodically go through any passage and answer questions, which will keep your focus strong and your speed fast. If you're struggling with speed, or want to get faster so you have more time for difficult questions, you're in for a treat!

Feel Confident & Start Enjoying Passage-Based MCAT Style Questions.

When you try to do a MCAT passage on your own, and then you review it a second time through the eyes of a top scorer, that's when you'll truly evolve your MCAT perspective... and your MCAT score. The key is doing in on your own FIRST, so you can compare and get the insights faster. Once you start making progress and optimizing your approach, removing one barrier at a time, you'll start feeling confident and believe it or not, MCAT prep will become more fun!

Go Beyond Just "Knowing" MCAT Strategies.

You can be aware of the all the best MCAT strategies on the planet, but through these dissections, you can see how they're actually used and applied to drastically increase your MCAT score. There's no point learning MCAT strategies if you aren't shown how to put them into action.... But If you haven't learned the right strategies yet, we highly recommend you enrol in one of our MCAT strategy courses here. If you don't know what strategies are being applied, you won't be maximizing your score as much as you can!

When You're Ready To Start Seeing How A Top Scorer Approaches AAMC MCAT Passages 👉 

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you're not finding these dissections helpful in improving your MCAT score, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund :)

These MCAT text dissections alone have led to substantial MCAT score increases:

peter headshot

Peter Kim

Course Member

The tips have been great especially at eliminating bad answers and focusing on choices that ANSWER the question. The passage dissections are very detailed and the logical step-by-step explanation is definitely helpful. I would definitely recommend to anyone wanting the perspective of a top-scorer.

Joelle Fink

Course Member

Learning to break the passages down by paragraph and then tying it all in to the main idea has not only helped me save time in answering questions but also increased my overall score. I'm slowly finding my way through these passages and am more able than ever before to point out little tricks and traps that no longer cause me to fall for them. I have seen my score increase in the CARS section alone from a 123 to a 126 within one week of really strapping down and going over the AAMC logic.

Jenny Paul

Course Member

I thought it was incredibly useful, especially the part where it walks you through a practice AAMC passage. It was nice to see a detailed thought process written out for others to use. Something I did that helped, was complete the passage on my own and then read the explanation given to see where I could improve!

Here's How You'll Use These Dissections To Improve Your MCAT Score:


First, you'll go through the MCAT passage on your own.

Time yourself. Read through the passage, come up with what you think the main idea is, go through the questions and select your answers. Stay aware of your thought process throughout and any strategies you're using. Make note of any time you get stuck between two answer choices or feel confused about what the question is asking. All of this will be cleared up when you go through the dissections. Next, you'll open up the MCAT passage dissections course and go to that passage you just completed.


Now we'll go through the passage together - paragraph by paragraph.

Sometimes even sentence by sentence, showing you what to pay attention to, what to ignore, and what the author is really trying to communicate. For non-CARS passages, we'll also analyze figures/tables/graphs. We'll come up with the key point of every paragraph until we reach the end of the entire passage - at which point, we'll show you how to come up with the main idea (what to focus on, how to note exactly what the author cares about) which will be the most important thing when answering the questions.


Lastly, we'll go through every question stem and answer choice together

You'll see how we think through the question stems, breakdown what it's REALLY asking, how /when to reference the passage, and how to identify what type of question it is (main idea question, etc.). Then, we'll go through EACH answer choice - explaining why we're either eliminating it or choosing it. Our reasons for eliminating/choosing answers won't be like the long-winded AAMC explanations - it'll be simple, logical, something you actually incorporate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a "passage dissection" exactly?

It's pretty much how it sounds - we dissect a real AAMC MCAT passage from the Question Packs. We recommend you go through the passage first, on your own, and then you go through its dissection and see exactly how a 130+ MCAT scorer goes through it. If you want an example, feel free to check out this blog post!

Do these dissections come with AAMC material?

No this course doesn't come with the AAMC questions/passages. What you'll get here are the walkthroughs of how to go through the AAMC questions. You'll need to get the QPack's yourself on the AAMC website. In fact, if you haven't already, we highly recommend you get all the AAMC questions available as those are going to be the most representative of your actual MCAT!

Where can I get video passage dissections?

Video dissections are exclusively included in our strategy courses which you can find here on this page.

What's better? Video dissections or text dissections?

We used to think the answer was simple - video, of course! BUT after gathering a lot of feedback from our students, many seemed to prefer the text versions. So what's better? It depends on what's better for you! We recommend trying both! You can check out our free sample video passage dissections on our YouTube channel, and free text passage dissections on our blog (scroll down), and determine which one resonates the most with you :) If you want our video dissections, those are exclusively included in our MCAT strategy courses which you'll find here

Can you tell me more about the 14 day money back guarantee?

It's really as simple as it sounds!

From the date of your purchase, you have 14 days to get a full refund on the course. No questions asked!

You really have nothing to lose when buying the course!

Can you tell me more about MCAT Mastery?

Since 2014 we've helped thousands of premeds and MCAT writers improve their MCAT score, who were once exactly where you are now; standing face to face with the biggest challenge of their premed careers.

We conduct ongoing research and hold paid interviews with 510+ (now 515+) MCAT scorers to bring you the most credible, most proven MCAT prep strategies in the world. Unlike most prep companies, we understand exactly what it's like to be in your shoes. We know the pressure is intense, the worry is never-ending, the study days are long, and it feels like the MCAT is getting closer by the second.

When you use our resources and start seeing an improvement in your MCAT score, you'll realize that med-school isn't some distant goal. It's closer than ever before and it's well within your reach. We created MCAT Mastery to show you how you can get to the point where you have your choice of which school's invitation you want to accept.

It starts with being a little strategic and smarter in your approach in preparing for the MCAT, the most important and most competitive factor in determining your med-school admission.

Not Sure? Check Out These Free Sample AAMC Text Passage Dissections On Our Blog!

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