Why MCAT Chem/Phys & Bio/BioChem Is Important

Lesson Notes

Strengthening Your Foundation in Science for Med School

Building a solid foundation now will make applying new information you learn in medical school to clinical practice much easier

While it may seem intuitive why Bio/Biochem is important for future doctors, what about Chem/ Phys? 

The body's biological phenomena are governed entirely by chemistry and physics. 

Physics is key to understanding the body.  

What about chemistry?

The Importance of Chemistry in Medicine 

Think about your kidneys and your lungs: they are constantly utilizing acid-base chemistry to keep your body in homeostasis. To understand the pathology of diseases affecting these organ systems, you need to know the chemical concepts behind them. 

Set a good foundation for core knowledge, while using your time studying for the MCAT to teach yourself how you learn best

Key Takeaways & Action Steps

  1. 1
    Building a solid foundation in both Bio/Biochem and Chem/Phys is crucial for future doctors as the body's biological phenomena are governed by chemistry and physics.
  2. 2
    Understanding chemistry is essential for comprehending processes like acid-base chemistry in organ systems like the kidneys and lungs, which are vital for maintaining homeostasis.
  3. 3
    Use your MCAT study time to not only prepare for the exam but also to discover and refine your preferred learning methods.
  4. 4
    Apply core knowledge in chemistry and physics to future clinical practice, as it forms the basis for understanding and treating medical conditions.


Question 1

Why is it important for future doctors to have a solid foundation in Chem/Phys and Bio/Biochem?

A. Because they need to excel in MCAT exams.

A is incorrect. Try again!

B. Because the body's biological phenomena are governed by chemistry and physics.

B is correct! The lesson emphasizes that a strong foundation in these subjects is crucial because the body's biological phenomena are entirely governed by chemistry and physics.

C. Because it's a requirement for medical school admission.

C is incorrect. Try again!

D. Because chemistry is more important than physics in medical practice.

D is incorrect. Try again!

Question 2

Why is knowledge of chemistry important for medical students?

A. It helps in memorizing facts.

A is incorrect. Try again!

B. It is required for the MCAT exam.

B is incorrect. Try again!

C. Understanding chemistry is essential for comprehending diseases affecting organ systems like the kidneys and lungs. 

C is correct! Chemistry is crucial for understanding the pathology of diseases affecting these organ systems.

D. Chemistry is only relevant to pharmaceutical research.

D is incorrect. Try again!

Question 3

What should you do with your MCAT study time according to the lesson notes?

A. Focus solely on preparing for the MCAT exam.

A is incorrect. Try again!

B. Use the time to build a strong foundation in core knowledge.

B is correct! Our mentors suggest using MCAT study time not only for exam preparation but also for strengthening your core knowledge.

C. Avoid studying for the MCAT altogether.

C is incorrect. Try again!

D. Spend more time on extracurricular activities.

D is incorrect. Try again!

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