Meet Your Instructor, Ariana Campbell: How I Scored 130 In CARS with a Key Mindset Shift

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Meet Ariana, MCAT Instructor and Tutor 

As one of the very first MCAT Instructors and Strategy Tutors at MedLife Mastery, Ariana has spent hundreds of hours working one-on-one with students from different backgrounds, helping them increase their MCAT and CARS scores!

Ariana has mastered the strategies that contributed to her success in the CARS section and she is ready to help you do the same. 

Managing Other Responsibilities Alongside the MCAT 

She still remembers feeling like the MCAT was the biggest hurdle standing between her and applying to medical school. Especially since she was also juggling MCAT studying, a full course load, work, extracurricular activities, and other personal challenges. 

She had to find the best way to manage a schedule while maintaining a positive mindset, so that she could achieve a good score even when she couldn’t commit 8 hours a day!

Despite all that going on, and not being able to study full time, Ariana managed to increase her score from a 498 to 515 on the MCAT in just 3 months.

She faced many challenges with CARS especially, with scores going DOWN, but she managed to figure out the correct way to approach this section and achieved a 130. 

Ariana did this by using the same strategies that she teaches in this course to boost her score 17+ points in just a short period of time! 

Getting into Medical School 

Fast forward to today, Ariana is now in med-school and specializes in helping students skyrocket their CARS scores on the MCAT!

She uses some of these same strategies taught in the course to help her with her medical school course load. She utilizes close reading, critical analysis, and identifying question stems in her own med school courses. 

Thanks to the MCAT, Ariana is comfortable with managing her time in med school and studying more productively so that she can have more tome for other areas of her life. 

She loves sharing what she’s learned throughout her MCAT journey to help you raise your score, while still balancing your life 🙂

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