Grit & The MCAT: How To Persevere To A Top Score

June 18, 2021

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Show Notes

As part of our ongoing mission to put together the formula for achieving a top MCAT score, we understand that it is important to not only focus on the content and the practice questions but also to have that growth mindset to keep moving forward. In today's episode, Monika and Ariana talk about the common issues students are struggling with, what grit part and how each characteristic applies to the MCAT prep.

Can't wait to share this with you and help you become an MCAT top scorer!

Challenges That Come With The MCAT

  • Plateaus
  • Fluctuations
  • Stress/anxiety
  • Pressure
  • Financial strain
  • How can you push through these?

How To Overcome Issues By Instilling Grit/Perseverance

What is Grit?

  • Passion + Perseverance
  • Grit is pretty much the ability to push through a difficult experience
  • Requires a growth mindset

Characteristics of Grit:

  • The MCAT requires devotion and commitment- you have to be prepared for that
  • You’re going to get a LOT of questions wrong in order to learn something-- that’s part of the journey
  • View the MCAT as an opportunity rather than exclusively as a challenge
  • This exam may feel like it is the end-all be-all, but it isn’t!!
Mental Toughness & Belief
  • Remember how much work you’ve put in
  • Separate yourself from anxious thoughts 
  • Positive self-talk!
Asking for Support When You Need It
Developing Grit
  • Practice
  • Know what you’re there to accomplish- get in touch with the passion piece 
Connect to the MCAT
  • This exam requires a lot of failure, which can be discouraging, but those who succeed take it in stride (grit)
  • Expect that the journey will not be extremely easy, it can be really tough at times, but determination and perseverance will get you through
  • The point of the MCAT is partially to determine if students have the grit that is required for the medical profession!

Topics Discussed

  • [00:56] Common challenges with the MCAT preparation
  • [05:07] Characteristics of grit and how they apply to MCAT
  • [15:37] How to develop grit
  • [26:13] Words of wisdom from Ariana
Do Not Quit

Memorable Points

  • The MCAT itself is an obstacle before medical school but it's meant to teach you these types of skills that are going to apply to medical school. 
  • The MCAT requires a lot of failures, discouragement, anxiety, and stress that you'll have to confront over and over again and that is ultimately why grit is so important and why you have to take the exam in the first place.
  • Grit requires a growth mindset. Understanding the different characteristics will help you move forward and develop it further. 
  • Nobody is really able to do anything 100% perfect all the time. What's important is when you face setbacks, you get back up and you keep moving.
  • Sometimes you may feel anxious or upset and that's okay but do not hold on to that feeling too much that it messes up your other sections or your next practice test.
  • Do not isolate yourself. It is important to have your family or someone to support you and remind you that you've done so much.
  • It's harder to practice if you don't know where you might be lacking so being aware of why you are practicing and what exactly you need to build is super important.
  • You're never gonna get through anything without failing so it's better to just figure out how to cope with it, how to move forward, and how you learn from that. 

Resources Mentioned

Family Support

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We're a team of future doctors passionate about giving back and mentoring other future doctors! All mentors on the team are top MCAT scorers and we all are committed to seeing you succeed in achieving your physician dreams ????To help you increase your MCAT score to the competitive mark quickly, we have collaboratively created these self-paced MCAT strategy courses and are also available for one-on-one tutoring!

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