How To Score 130+ On the CARS Section of the MCAT

June 25, 2024

minute read

Have you ever wondered how some premeds just simply ‘get’ the CARS section? How they easily master CARS with scores over 129?

Don't you wonder what they're doing differently than others who can’t stop scoring in the low 120s?
We wondered it too... 

So we did some research on strictly 130+ CARS scorers (several 132 scorers). If they didn’t score 130 or more, we weren’t listening. We kept it exclusive.
We heard what these CARS Masters had to say and we discovered A LOT of powerful CARS strategies that most premeds don’t know about and aren’t applying.
And of course, we did this so we can share their secrets with you.


We think you’ll benefit from the almost 20 pages’ worth of strictly 130+ CARS scorer strategies we have for you to use and apply to greatly boost your CARS score.
But before we give you access to all that gold...

We want to give you a glimpse into the mind of high CARS scorers....
The 130+ CARS Scorer Perspective
In the beginning, a lot of low CARS scorers assume that CARS won’t be that bad.

It’s the only section of the MCAT that doesn’t require you to memorize anything. It’s all logic, based on critical thinking. You just have to simply read the passage and answer questions based on the passage. It sounds simple until you do a practice passage…
With questions like that where the answer is in the passage, top CARS scorers know they have to 'find' the answer quickly.  In order to do this, top CARS scorers know they have to develop the ability to think on their feet.

How good are you at thinking on your feet?
When you read a CARS passage and you read all this information you don’t know the meaning to, or you read information that is difficult to make sense of, can you still find the answer on the spot?

Most students struggle with this and this is where 130+ scorers differ. Most students run out of time on the CARS section and end up having to guess way too much.

What if we told you that with a few top scorer techniques, you can dramatically speed up the time it takes for you to find the right answer, without you losing focus, or without you worrying if you chose the right answer? 

Yea, it would be a game changer! And that's exactly the kind of CARS strategies we have for you.
Remember, the MCAT is created to identify future doctors and top scorers keep this at the back of their mind at all times...

Just like when you become a physician, you’ll be constantly presented with information you’ve never seen before. Now, how are you going to help your patient solve their challenge? The skill is in truly being able to understand your patient. In the same way with CARS, top scorers know that the skill is in truly being able to understand the author of the passage.
Some of your patients might have trouble communicating in English or they might know English at a much better level than you. As a physician, how are you going to grasp the main point of what they’re saying to you and make an informed decision?

This is what the creators of the MCAT are attempting to see in you…

  • Are you able to understand what the author is communicating?
  • Are you able to understand why the author wrote this passage?
  • Are you able to understand what the author is arguing and trying to convince you of?

Just having these questions playing in the back of your mind during CARS will help you choose the right answer much more often, and get you much closer to your target CARS score.
130+ CARS scorers know that there is a message in every single passage that they’ve ever read. They know that they need to pinpoint that message and they need to do it at an efficient pace.

Over time, these CARS Masters have come up with amazing strategies and hacks to find that message. Once you learn these, you'll wish you had them sooner.
You must keep in mind that the key to getting a competitive CARS score is in quickly extracting the message of the passage and making the most appropriate decision when choosing your answer.
We know this can be one of the most painful sections of the MCAT.
It’s especially difficult and confusing if you’re trying to figure it out on your own without any guidelines. Or worse, if you’re using other techniques created from companies or people who you don’t know are credible in their advice... 

That's when you’re likely not only hurting your CARS score, but are also transferring bad study habits on to other sections of the MCAT.
The way we evaluate credibility is simple and tangible – the MCAT score (if we want overall MCAT advice) or the CARS score (if we want overall CARS advice).
Recently this year, we created the CARS Mastery Report: 130+ CARS Scorer Strategies. Inside it, you’ll find 90+ pages of the best and possibly the only CARS advice you’ll ever need. 

It’s written concisely and to the point so that within minutes you can understand how these top CARS scorers approach CARS questions and passages to always choose the correct answers.
With these strategies you’ll be able to think objectively and more logically so that the correct answers almost pop out at you because (and this is the best part) you’ll start noticing ‘the patterns’.
What are ‘the patterns’?
According to 130+ CARS scorers, there’s a pattern that AAMC sticks to on all their exams. It’s a very logical but unique pattern that they’ve developed and can usually be spotted by those who have been practicing in a specific way which you’ll learn in this report.
You can download the CARS Mastery Report or get more details about it here.
Remember that if you can dominate CARS, it’s highly likely that you can dominate other sections on the MCAT as well... 

CARS is very heavy on reading and you’re going to be reading on other sections too, for which the same skills and strategic thinking applies – for example, the ability to read and understand on the spot.

We're excited get this to you and can't wait to hear about your improved results!

The MCAT will soon be a distant memory.

Keep at it – this is going to be your year!
You got this,

The MedLife Mastery Team
Your "MCAT Success" Mentors

P.S. Please note that although the Top Scorer MCAT Strategy Guide has an entire section on top scorer CARS strategies (which we highly recommend if you're struggling with CARS), the information in this report are additional exclusive CARS strategies NOT included in the guide. This report was created for those members who need and could use additional help and want bonus hacks for dominating CARS.

P.P.S. How much easier will the MCAT become if you get this one annoying section down? It’s really worth it to download the 130+ CARS Strategy Report and get the roadmap you need to dominate CARS once and for all.

Your MCAT Success Mentors

About the Author

We're a team of future doctors passionate about giving back and mentoring other future doctors! All mentors on the team are top MCAT scorers and we all are committed to seeing you succeed in achieving your physician dreams ???? To help you achieve your goal MCAT score, we take turns hosting these Live MCAT Courses and are also available for 1:1 private tutoring!

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