MCAT Biology
Cardiovascular Systems
Primary and Secondary Functions of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic System
Structure of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic System
Flow of Blood through Cardiovascular System
Blood: Composition and Function
Nervous and Endocrine Control of Cardiovascular System
Prokaryotic Cells: Cell Theory and Major Classifications
Prokaryotic Cells: Cell Growth
Prokaryotic Cells: Genetic Exchange and Recombination
Prokaryotic Cells: General Structural and Physiological Characteristics
Prokaryotic Cells: Transposons
Mitosis: The Cell Cycle
Mitosis: Structures and Processes
Meosis: Significance and General Overview
Meosis: Processes
Tissues Formed From Eukaryotic Cells
Viruses: General Structural Characteristics
Viruses: Steps of the Viral Life Cycle
Viruses: Subviral Particles Prions and Viroids
Digestive Systems
Embryogenesis and Development
Embryogenic Processes
Cell Determination, Differentiation, and Migration
Cell Senesence, Death, and Regeneration
Endocrine Systems
Endocrine System: Anatomy
Endocrine System: Hormone Basics and Principles
Endocrine Hormones: Antagonistic Hormone Pairs
Endocrine Hormones: Sex Hormones
Endocrine Hormones: Miscellaneous
Endocrine System: Hypothalamic-Pituitary Interactions
Endocrine System: Adrenal Glands
Excretory Systems
Functions of the Excretory System
Structure of Kidney and Nephron
Genetics and Evolutions
Exceptions to Mendelian Genetics: Linked Genes
Mendelian Genetics: Disease Inheritance
Mendelian Genetics: Fundamentals & Patterns of Dominance
Mendelian Genetics: Mendel’s Laws
Mendelian Genetics: Punnett Squares
Mendelian Genetics: Punnett Squares Tips
Mendelian Genetics: Sex Linked Genes
Immune Systems
Innate v.s. Adaptive Immune System
Cells of the Innate and Adaptive Immune System
Primary (1Ëš) and Secondary (2Ëš) Lymphoid Organs and Tissues
Immune System: Antigen Presentation
Immunological Processes: Clonal Selection and Lymphocyte Maturation
Antibody: Structure and Function
Nervous Systems
Major Functions and Structural Organization of Nervous System
Cells of the Nervous System
Action Potential Propagation
Musculoskeletal Systems
Functions of the Musculoskeletal System
Types of Muscles
Hierarchical Structure of Muscle
Muscular Contraction: Processes
Anatomy of the Skeletal System and Bone Structure
Endocrine Control of Skeletal System
Structure of the Male and Female Reproductive System
Ovum and Sperm Formation through Gametogenesis
Reproductive Processes
Respiratory Systems
Respiratory System: General Function and Respiratory Structure
Respiratory System: Breathing Mechanism and Regulation
Respiratory System: Functions Outside of Breathing
Integumentary Systems
Integumentary System: Structure
Integumentary System: Functions
MCAT Biochemistry
Amino Acids Peptides Proteins
Amino Acids Structure
Amino Acids Reactions
Protein Structure
Protein Non-Enzymatic Function
Protein Bio-signaling
Biological Membranes
Cellular Membrane: Compostion and Structure
Cellular Membrane: Membrane Dynamics
Cellular Membrane: Membrane Transport
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Carbohydrate Storage: Glycogenesis
Carbohydrate Storage: Glycogenolysis
Glycolysis: Enzymes and Processes
Glycolysis: Fundamentals and Key Terms
Oxidative Phosphorylation: ATP Synthase
Oxidative Phosphorylation: Citric Acid Cycle
Oxidative Phosphorylation: Electron Transport Chain
Oxidative Phosphorylation: Fundamentals and Key Terms
Pentose Phosphate Pathway
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex
Carbohydrate Structure
Carbohydrates : Commonly Tested Sugars
Carbohydrates: Key Reactions
Carbohydrates: Structural Description
Chromosomes: Role in Genetics
Chromosomes: Structure and Function
DNA Replication: Enzymes and Processes
DNA Replication: Key Terms
DNA: Role in Cancer Biology
DNA: Structure and Function
Gene Expression: Eukaryotes
Gene Expression: Prokaryotes
Mutations: Nucleotide Level and Chromosomal
Nucleic Acids: Basics and Fundamentals
RNA Transcription: Enzymes and Processes
RNA Transcription: Fundamentals and Key Terms
DNA RNA Translation: Fundamentals and Key Terms
DNA RNA Translation: Processes
Enzyme Reversible Inhibition
Enzyme Inhibition: Other Forms
Enzyme Kinetics
Enzyme Models & Classification
Enzyme Structure & Function
Lipids and Lipid Metabolism
Fatty Acids: Anabolism and Catabolism
Fatty Acids: Digestion, Transport, and Mobilization
Fatty Acids: Structural Description and Function
Ketone Bodies: Function and Metabolic Reactions
Metabolism of Proteins
Non-Enzymatic Proteins
Proteins: Biosignaling
Proteins: Non-Enzymatic Function
Regulation of Metabolism
Allosteric and Hormonal Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Biotechnology: Applications of DNA Technology
Biotechnology: Blotting
Biotechnology: DNA Libraries
Biotechnology: DNA Sequencing
Biotechnology: Embryonic Stem Cells
Biotechnology: Gel Electrophoresis
Biotechnology: Restriction Enzymes
Biotechnology: Safety and Ethics in Research
Biotechnology: Strategies for DNA Multiplication
Bioenergetics: Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
Bioenergetics: Biological Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Bioenergetics: Thermodynamics of Biological Systems
MCAT Physics
Atomic and Nuclear Phenomena
Units and Dimensional Analysis
The Nature of Fluids
Fluid Laws, Equations, and Effects
Application of Fluid Dynamics in Physiology
Work and Energy
Concepts of Energy
Concepts of Work
The Work-Energy Theorem
Mechanical Advantage
Mathematics of Vectors and Scalars
Displacement, Velocity, and Speed
Acceleration and Motion
Types of Forces
Newton’s Law
Mechanical Equilibrium
Charge Particles
Coulomb’s Law
Electric Fields
Distinction between Electric Potential Energy and Electric Potential
Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Forces on Moving Charges
Light and Optics
Electromagnetic Properties of Light
Reflection and Refraction
Mirror and Lenses
Diffraction and Slit Systems
Dispersion and Polarization
Waves and Sound
Characteristics of Waves
Sound Production and Intensity
The Doppler Effect
Other Wave Phenomena
MCAT Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry Nomenclature
Laboratory Techniques and Separations
Nucleophiles and Electrophiles
Redox Reactions Organic Chemistry
Alcohols and Ethers
Aldehydes and Ketones
Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives
Nitrogen Containing Compounds
Phosphorus Containing Compounds
MCAT General Chemistry
Atomic Structure
Periodic Table
Bonding and Chemical Reactions
Chemical Kinetics
The Gas Phase
Acid and Bases
Redox Reactions
MCAT Psychology/Sociology
Anatomy and Divisions of the Nervous System
Anatomy of the Brain: Major Regions/Lobes
Anatomy of the Brain: Major Structures
Neuronal Communication and Behavior
Genetic and Environmental Influence on Behavior
Methods for Brain Imaging/Studies
Motivation and Emotion
Components and Roles of Emotion
Major Theories of Emotion
Biology of Emotion
Features of Stress
Physiological Outcomes of Stress
Features and Theories Behind Motivation
Social Processes and Behavior
The Effects of Others on Individual Behavior
The Effects of Others on Group Psychology
Normative Behavior Established by Socialization
Social Structure and Stratification
Theories of Sociology
Social Institutions in Sociology
Culture’s Role in Sociology
Categorization of Individuals in Demographics
Important Terms and Concepts for Demographic Shift
Major Theories of Demographic Shifts
Important Terms and Mobility in Social Stratification
Social Inequalities and Disparities
Social Thinking and Attitudes
Inherent Attraction, Aggression, Attachment, and Social Support
Evolutionary Benefits of Social Behavior
Types of Inherent Social Perceptions
Theories and Components of Attitudes
The Effect of Attitude on Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination
Social Interaction
Important Components for Social Interactions
Main Theories of Socialization
Agents of Socialization
Role of Communication in Socialization
Identity and Personality
Types of Identity and Self Evaluation
Theories of Identity Formation
Theories of Personality Formation
Psychological Disorders
Ways to Approach Studying Psychological Disorders
Types of Psychological Disorders
The Biology of Disorders of the Nervous System
Learning and Memory
Types of Associative Learning
Observational Learning
Breakdown of Different Types of Memory
Processes for Memory Formation and Loss
Biological Basis of Learning and Memory Formation
Language Development
Common Elements of Language
Theories of Language Development
Effects of Language on Brain Biology and Cognition
Cognition and Consciousness
Theories and Influencing Factors on Cognition
Cognitive Approaches to Problem Solving
Types of Intelligences
Types of Attention
States of Consciousness in Wakefulness and Sleep Cycles
Sensation and Perception
Fundamentals of Sensation and Perception
Visual Signal Transduction
Auditory Signal Transduction
Other Types of Sensory Signal Transduction
Types of Processes in Perception
Research Methodology and Statistics
Overview of the Types of Research Studies
Randomized Control Trials
Cohort v.s. Case-Control Studies
Cross-Sectional Studies
Confounding Factors and Statistical Significance
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