Table of Contents
Biological & Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems 
Content Category 1A: Structure and function of proteins and their constituent amino acids
- Denaturing and folding
- Hydrophobic interactions
- Solvation layer (entropy) (BC)
Separation Techniques
- Cofactors
- Coenzymes
- Water-soluble vitamins
Control of Enzyme Activity (BIO, BC)
- General (catalysis)
- Michaelis–Menten
- Cooperativity
Content Category 1B:Transmission of genetic information from the gene to the protein
- Repair during replication
- Repair of mutations
Genetic Code (BIO)
- Transcriptional regulation
- DNA binding proteins, transcription factors
- Gene amplification and duplication
- Post-transcriptional control, basic concept of splicing (introns, exons)
- Cancer as a failure of normal cellular controls, oncogenes, tumor suppress or genes
- Regulation of chromatin structure
- DNA methylation
- Role of non-coding RNAs
- Gene cloning
- Restriction enzymes
- DNA libraries
- Generation of cDNA
- Hybridization
- Expressing cloned genes
- Polymerase chain reaction
- Gelelectrophoresis and Southern blotting
- DNA sequencing
- Analyzing gene expression
- Determining gene function
- Stem cells
- Practical applications of DNA technology: medical applications, human genetherapy, pharmaceuticals, forensic evidence, environmental cleanup, agriculture
- Safety and ethics of DNA technology
Content Category 1C: Transmission of heritable information from generation to generation and the processes that increase genetic diversity
Evidence that DNA is Genetic Material (BIO)
- Phenotype and genotype
- Gene
- Locus
- Allele: single and multiple
- Homozygosity and heterozygosity
- Wild-type
- Recessiveness
- Complete dominance
- Co-dominance
- Incomplete dominance, leakage, penetrance, expressivity
- Hybridization: viability
- Gene pool
Meiosis and Other Factors Affecting Genetic Variability (BIO)
- Single crossovers
- Double crossovers
- Synaptonemal complex
- Tetrad
- General concept of mutation—error in DNA sequence
- Types of mutations: random, translation error, transcription error, base substitution, inversion, addition, deletion, translocation, mispairing
- Advantageous vs. deleterious mutation
- Inborn errors of metabolism
- Relationship of mutagens to carcinogens
Analytic Methods (BIO)
- Hardy–Weinberg Principle
- Testcross (Backcross; concepts of parental, F1, and F2 generations)
- Gene mapping: crossover frequencies
- Biometry: statistical methods
- Fitness concept
- Selection by differential reproduction
- Concepts of natural and group selection
- Evolutionary success as increase in percent representation in the gene pool of the next generation
- Polymorphism
- Adaptation and specialization
- Inbreeding
- Outbreeding
- Bottlenecks
Content Category 1D: Principles of bioenergetics and fuel molecule metabolism
- Equilibrium constant
- Relationship of the equilibrium constant and∆G°
- Concentration
- Endothermic/exothermic reactions
- Free energy:G
- Spontaneous reactions and ∆G°
- Half-reactions
- Soluble electron carriers
- Flavoproteins
- Nomenclature and classification, common names
- Absolute configuration
- Cyclic structure and conformations of hexoses
- Epimers and anomers
- Maintenance of a dynamic steady state
- Flavoproteins
- Cytochromes
- Higher level integration of hormone structure and function
- Tissue specific metabolism
- Hormonal regulation of fuel metabolism
- Obesity and regulation of body mass
Content Category 2A: Assemblies of molecules, cells, and groups of cells within single cellular andmulticelluar organisms
- Compartmentalization, storage of genetic information
- Nucleolus: location and function
- Nuclear envelope, nuclear pores
- Lysosomes: membrane-bound vesicles containing hydrolytic enzymes
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Rough and smooth components
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum site of ribosomes
- Double membrane structure
- Role in membrane biosynthesis
- Role in biosynthesis of secreted proteins
- Golgi apparatus: general structure and role in packaging and secretion
- Peroxisomes: organelles that collect peroxides
- General function in cell support and movement
- Microfilaments: composition and role in cleavage and contractility
- Microtubules: composition and role in support and transport
- Intermediate filaments, role in support
- Composition and function of cilia and flagella
- Centrioles, microtubule organizing centers
Content Category 2B: The structure, growth, physiology, and genetics of prokaryotes and viruses
- Reproduction by fission
- High degree of genetic adaptability, acquisition of antibiotic resistance
- Exponential growth
- Existence of anaerobic and aerobic variants
- Parasitic and symbiotic
- Chemotaxis
Content Category 2C: Processes of cell division, differentiation, and specialization
- Differences in formation
- Differences inmorphology
- Relative contribution to next generation
- Reproductive sequence: fertilization; implantation; development; birth
- Fertilization
- Cleavage
- Blastula formation
- Gastrulation
- First cell movements
- Formation of primary germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm)
- Waxes
- Neurulation
- Major structures arising out of primary germ layers
- Neural crest
- Environment–gene interaction in development
Mechanisms of Development (BIO)
- Cellspecialization
- Determination
- Differentiation
- Tissue types
- Cell–cell communication in development
- Cell migration
- Pluripotency: stem cells
- Gene regulation in development
- Programmed cell death
- Existence of regenerative capacity in various species
- Senescence and aging
Content Category 3A: Structure and functions of the nervous and endocrine systems and ways in which these systems coordinate the organ systems
- Organization of vertebrate nervous system
- Sensor and effector neurons
- Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems: antagonistic control
- Reflexes
- Feedback loop, reflex arc
- Role of spinal cord and supraspinalcircuits
- Integration with endocrine system: feedback control
Nerve Cell (BIO)
- Cell body: site of nucleus, organelles
- Dendrites: branched extensions of cell body
- Axon: structure and function
- Myelin sheath, Schwann cells, insulation of axon
- Nodes of Ranvier: propagation of nerve impulse along axon
- Synapse: site of impulse propagation between cells
- Synaptic activity: transmitter molecules
- Resting potential: electrochemical gradient
- Action potential
- Threshold, all-or-none
- Sodium/potassium pump
- Excitatory and inhibitory nerve fibers: summation, frequency of firing
- Glial cells, neuroglia
- Concentration cell: direction of electron flow, Nernst equation
Biosignalling (BC)
- Gated ion channels
- Voltage gated
- Ligand gated
- Receptor enzymes
- G protein-coupled receptors
- Description; structure
- Steroids
- Terpenes and terpenoids
- Function of endocrine system: specific chemical control at cell, tissue, and organ level
- Definitions of endocrine gland, hormone
- Major endocrine glands: names, locations, products
- Major types of hormones
- Neuroendrocrinology—relation between neurons and hormonal systems
- Cellular mechanisms of hormone action
- Transport of hormones: blood supply
- Specificity of hormones: target tissue
- Integration with nervous system: feedback control
- Regulation by second messengers
Content Category 3B: Structure and integrative functions of the main organ systems
- Thermoregulation: nasal and tracheal capillary beds; evaporation, panting
- Particulate filtration: nasal hairs, mucus/cilia system in lungs
- Alveolar gas exchange
- Diffusion, differential partial pressure
- Henry’s Law (GC)
- pH control
- Regulation by nervous control
- CO2sensitivity
Circulatory System (BIO)
- Functions: circulation of oxygen, nutrients, hormones, ions and fluids, removal of metabolic waste
- Role in thermoregulation
- Four-chambered heart: structure and function
- Endothelial cells
- Systolic and diastolic pressure
- Pulmonary and systemic circulation
- Arterial and venous systems (arteries, arterioles, venules, veins)
- Structural and functional differences
- Pressure and flow characteristics
- Capillary beds
- Mechanisms of gas and solute exchange
- Mechanism of heat exchange
- Source of peripheral resistance
- Composition of blood
- Plasma, chemicals, blood cells
- Erythrocyte production and destruction; spleen, bone marrow
- Regulation of plasma volume
- Coagulation, clotting mechanisms
- Oxygen transport by blood
- Hemoglobin, hematocrit
- Oxygen content
- Oxygen affinity
- Carbon dioxide transport and level in blood
- Nervous and endocrine control
Lymphatic System (BIO)
- Structure of lymphatic system
- Major functions
- Equalization of fluid distribution
- Transport of proteins and large glycerides
- Production of lymphocytes involved in immune reactions
- Return of materials to the blood
- Concept of antigen and antibody
- Antigen presentation
- Clonal selection
- Antigen-antibody recognition
- Structure of antibody molecule
- Recognition of self vs. non-self, autoimmune diseases
- Major histocompatibility complex
- Saliva as lubrication and source of enzymes
- Ingestion; esophagus, transport function
- Storage and churning of food
- Low pH, gastric juice, mucal protection against self-destruction
- Production of digestive enzymes, site of digestion
- Structure (gross)
- Structural relationship of liver within gastrointestinal system
- Production of bile
- Role in blood glucose regulation, detoxification
- Storage in gall bladder
- Function
- Production of enzymes
- Transport of enzymes to small intestine
- Absorption of food molecules and water
- Function and structure of villi
- Production of enzymes, site of digestion
- Neutralization of stomach acid
- Structure (anatomic subdivisions)
- Absorption of water
- Bacterial flora
- Structure (gross)
- Rectum: storage and elimination of waste, feces
- Muscular control
- Endocrine control
- Hormones
- Target tissues
- Nervous control: the enteric nervous system
- Blood pressure
- Osmoregulation
- Acid–base balance
- Removal of soluble nitrogenous waste
- Glomerulus
- Bowman’s capsuleProximal tubule
- Loop of Henle
- Distal tubule
- Collecting duct
- Formation of urine
- Glomerular filtration
- Secretion and reabsorption of solutes
- Concentration of urine
- Counter-current multiplier mechanism
- Storage and elimination: ureter, bladder, urethra
- Osmoregulation: capillary reabsorption ofH2O, amino acids, glucose, ions
- Muscular control: sphincter muscle
- Hormonal control of reproduction
- Male and female sexual development
- Female reproductive cycle
- Pregnancy, parturition, lactation
- Integration with nervous control
- Important functions
- Support: mobility
- Peripheral circulatory assistance
- Thermoregulation (shivering reflex)
- Structure of three basic muscle types: striated, smooth,cardiac
- Muscle structure and control of contraction
- T-tubule system
- Contractile apparatus
- Sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Fiber type
- Contractile velocity of different muscle types
- Regulation of cardiac muscle contraction
- Oxygen debt: fatigue
- Nervous control
- Motor neurons
- Neuromuscular junction, motor end plates
- Sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation
- Voluntary and involuntary muscles
Specialized Cell-Muscle Cell (BIO)
- Structural characteristics of striated, smooth, and cardiac muscle
- Abundant mitochondria in red muscle cells: ATP source
- Organization of contractile elements: actin and myosin filaments, cross bridges, sliding filament model
- Sarcomeres: “I” and “A” bands, “M” and “Z” lines, “H” zone
- Presence of troponin and tropomyosin
- Calcium regulation of contraction
- Functions
- Structural rigidity and support
- Calcium storage
- Physical protection
- Skeletal structure
- Specialization of bone types, structures
- Joint structures
- Endoskeleton vs. exoskeleton
- Bone structure
- Calcium/protein matrix
- Cellular composition of bone
- Cartilage: structure and function
- Ligaments, tendons
- Endocrine control
Skin System (BIO)
- Structure
- Layer differentiation, cell types
- Relative impermeability to water
- Functions in homeostasis and osmoregulation
- Functions in thermoregulation
- Hair, erectile musculature
- Fat layer for insulation
- Sweat glands, location in dermis
- Vasoconstriction and vasodilation in surface capillaries
- Physical protection
- Nails, calluses, hair
- Protection against abrasion, disease organisms
- Hormonal control: sweating, vasodilation, and vasoconstriction
Chemical & Physical Foundations of Biological Systems 
Content Category 4A: Translational motion, forces, work, energy, and equilibrium in living systems
- Logs
- Exponents
- trig
Translational Motion (PHY)
- Units and dimensions
- Vectors, components
- Vector addition
- Speed, velocity (average and instantaneous)
- Acceleration
Force (PHY)
- Newton’s First Law, inertia
- Newton’s Second Law (F=ma)
- Newton’s Third Law, forces equal and opposite
- Friction, static and kinetic
- Center of mass
- Vector analysis of forces acting on a point object
- Torques, lever arms
- Work done by a constant force:W=Fdcosθ
- Mechanical advantage
- Work Kinetic Energy Theorem
- Conservative forces
- PE =mgh(gravitational, local)
- PE = ½kx2(spring)
- Conservation of energy
- Power, units
Periodic Motion (PHY)
- Amplitude, frequency, phase
- Transverse and longitudinal waves: wavelength and propagation speed
Content Category 4B: Importance offluids for the circulation of blood, gas movement, and gas exchange
- Density, specific gravity
- Buoyancy, Archimedes’ Principle
- Hydrostatic pressure
- Pascal’s Law
- Hydrostatic pressure; P=qgh (pressure vs. depth)
- Viscosity: Poiseuille Flow
- Continuity equation (A·v= constant)
- Concept of turbulence at high velocities
- Surface tension
- Bernoulli’s equation
- Venturi effect, pitot tube
Circulatory System (BIO)
- Arterial and venous systems; pressure and flow characteristics
- Absolute temperature, (K) Kelvin Scale
- Pressure, simple mercury barometer
- Molar volume at 0°C and 1 atm = 22.4 L/mol
- Ideal gas
- Definition
- Ideal Gas Law:PV=nRT
- Boyle’s Law:PV= constant
- Charles’ Law:V/T= constant
- Avogadro’s Law:V/n= constant
- Heat capacity at constant volume and at constant pressure (PHY)
- Boltzmann’s Constant (PHY)
- Deviation of real gas behavior from Ideal Gas Law
- Qualitative
- Quantitative (Van der Waals’ Equation)
- Partial pressure, mole fraction
- Dalton’s Law relating partial pressure to composition
Content Category 4C: Electrochemistry and electrical circuits and their elements
- Field lines
- Field due to charge distribution
- Current I = 6Q/6t, sign conventions, units
- Electromotive force, voltage
- Resistance
- Ohm’s Law: I = V/R
- Resistors in series
- Resistors in parallel
- Resistivity: q = R•A / L
- Capacitance
- Parallel plate capacitor
- Energy of charged capacitor
- Capacitors in series
- Capacitors in parallel
- Dielectric
- Conductivity
- Metallic
- Electrolytic
- Meters
- Definition of magnetic field B
- Motion of charged particles in magnetic fields; Lorentz force
- Electrolysis
- Anode, cathode
- Electrolyte
- Faraday’s Law relating amount of elements deposited (or gas liberated) at an electrode to current
- Electron flow; oxidation, and reduction at the electrodes
- Half-reactions
- Reduction potentials; cell potential
- Direction of electron flow
- Concentration cell
- Batteries
- Electromotive force, Voltage
- Lead-storage batteries
- Nickel-cadmium batteries
Specialized Cell-Nerve Cell (BIO)
- Myelin sheath, Schwann cells, insulation of axon
- Nodes of Ranvier: propagation of nerve impulse along axon
Content Category 4D: How light and sound interact with matter
- Production of sound
- Relative speed of sound in solids,liquids, and gases
- Intensity of sound, decibel units, log scale
- Attenuation (Damping)
- Doppler Effect: moving sound source or observer, reflection of sound from a moving object
- Pitch
- Resonance in pipes and strings
- Ultrasound
- Shock waves
- Concept of Interference; Young Double-slit Experiment
- Thin films, diffraction grating, single-slit diffraction
- Other diffraction phenomena, X-ray diffraction
- Polarization of light: linear and circular
- Properties of electromagnetic radiation
- Velocity equals constant c,in vacuo
- Electromagnetic radiation consists of perpendicularly oscillating electric andmagnetic fields; direction of propagation is perpendicular to both
- Classification of electromagnetic spectrum, photon energy E=hf
- Visual spectrum, color
Molecular Structure and Absorption Spectra (OC)
- Infrared region
- Intramolecular vibrations and rotations
- Recognizing common characteristic group absorptions, fingerprint region
- Visible region (GC)
- Absorption in visible region gives complementary color (e.g., carotene)
- Effect of structural changes on absorption (e.g., indicators)
- Ultraviolet region
- π-Electron and non-bonding electron transitions
- Conjugated systems
- NMR spectroscopy
- Protons in a magnetic field; equivalentprotons
- Spin-spin splitting
Geometrical Optics (PHY)
- Reflection from plane surface: angle of incidence equals angle of reflection
- Refraction, refractive index n; Snell’s law: n1 sin Δ1 = n2 sin Δ2
- Dispersion, change of index of refraction with wavelength
- Conditions for total internal reflection
- Spherical mirrors
- Center of curvature
- Focal length
- Real and virtual images
- Thin lenses
- Converging and diverging lenses
- Use of formula 1/p+ 1/q= 1/f, with sign conventions
- Lens strength, diopters
- Combination of lenses
- Lens aberration
- Optical Instruments, including the human eye
Content Category 4E: Atoms, nuclear decay, electronic structure, and atomic chemical behavior
- Atomic number, atomic weight
- Neutrons, protons, isotopes
- Nuclear forces, binding energy
- Radioactive decay
- ⍺, β,γ decay
- Half-life, exponential decay, semi-log plots
- Mass spectrometer
Electronic Structure (PHY, GC)
- Orbital structure of hydrogen atom, principal quantum number n, number of electrons per orbital (GC)
- Ground state, excited states
- Absorption and emission line spectra
- Use of Pauli Exclusion Principle
- Paramagnetism and diamagnetism
- Conventional notation for electronic structure (GC)
- Bohr atom
- Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
- Effective nuclear charge (GC)
- Photoelectric effect
- Alkali metals
- Alkaline earth metals: their chemical characteristics
- Halogens: their chemical characteristics
- Noble gases: their physical and chemical characteristics
- Transition metals
- Representative elements
- Metals and non-metals
- Oxygen group
The Periodic Table-Variations of Chemical Properties with Group and Row (GC)
- Valence electrons
- First and second ionization energy
- Definition
- Prediction from electronic structure for elements in different groups or rows
- Electron affinity
- Definition
- Variation with group and row
- Electronegativity
- Definition
- Comparative values for some representative elements and important groups
- Electron shells and the sizes of atoms
- Electron shells and the sizes of ions
Stoichiometry (GC)
- Molecular weight
- Empirical versus molecular formula
- Metric units commonly used in the context of chemistry
- Description of composition by percent mass
- Mole concept, Avogadro’s number NA
- Definition of density
- Oxidation number
- Common oxidizing and reducing agents
- Disproportionation reactions
- Description of reactions by chemical equations
- Conventions for writing chemical equations
- Balancing equations, including redox equations
- Limiting reactants
- Theoretical yields
Content Category 5A: Unique nature of water and its solutions
Acid/Base Equilibria (GC, BC)
- Brønsted–Lowry definition of acid, base
- Ionization of water
- Kw, its approximate value (Kw= [H+][OH–] = 10–14at 25°C, 1 atm)
- Definition of pH: pH of pure water
- Conjugate acids and bases (e.g., NH4+and NH3)
- Strong acids and bases (e.g., nitric, sulfuric)
- Weak acids and bases (e.g., acetic, benzoic)
- Dissociation of weak acids and bases with or without added salt
- Hydrolysis of salts of weak acids or bases
- Calculation of pH of solutions of salts of weak acids or bases
- Equilibrium constants Ka and Kb: pKa, pKb
- Buffers
- Definition and concepts (common buffer systems)
- Influence on titration curves
Ions in Solutions (GC, BC)
- Anion, cation: common names, formulas and charges for familiar ions (e.g., NH4+ammonium,PO43–phosphate, SO42–sulfate)
- Hydration, the hydronium ion
Solubility (GC)
- Units of concentration (e.g., molarity)
- Solubility product constant; the equilibrium expression Ksp
- Common-ion effect, its use in laboratory separations
- Complex ion formation
- Complex ions and solubility
- Solubility and pH
Titration (GC)
- Indicators
- Neutralization
- Interpretation of the titration curves
- Redox titration
Content Category 5B: Nature of molecules and intermolecular interactions
Titration (GC)
- Lewis Electron Dot formulas
- Resonance structures
- Formal charge
- Lewis acids and bases
- Partial ionic character
- Role of electronegativity in determining charge distribution
- Dipole Moment
- o and n bonds
- Hybrid orbitals: sp3, sp2, sp and respective geometries
- Valence shell electron pair repulsion and the prediction of shapes of molecules (e.g.,NH3, H2O, CO2)
- Structural formulas for molecules involving H, C, N, O, F, S, P, Si, Cl
- Delocalized electrons and resonance in ions and molecules
- Multiple bonding
- Effect on bond length and bond energies
- Rigidity in molecular structure
- Stereochemistry of covalently bonded molecules(OC)
- Isomers
- Structural isomers
- Stereoisomers (e.g., diastereomers, enantiomers, cis/trans isomers)
- Conformational isomers
- Polarization of light, specific rotation
- Absolute and relative configuration
- Conventions for writing R and S forms
- Conventions for writing E and Z forms
Liquid Phase-Intermolecular Forces (GC)
- Hydrogen bonding
- Dipole Interactions
- Van der Waals’ Forces (London dispersion forces)
Content Category 5C: Separation and purification methods
Separations and Purifications (OC, BC)
- Extraction: distribution of solute between two immiscible solvents
- Distillation
- Chromatography
- Basic principles involved in separation process
- Column chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography
- High pressure liquid chromatography
- Paper chromatography
- Thin-layer chromatography
- Separation and purification of peptides and proteins (BC)
- Electrophoresis
- Quantitative analysis
- Chromatography
- Size-exclusion
- Ion-exchange
- Affinity
- Racemic mixtures, separation of enantiomers (OC)
Content Category 5D: Structure, function, and reactivity of biologically-relevant molecules
- Nucleotides and nucleosides: composition
- Sugar phosphate backbone
- Pyrimidine, purine residues
- Deoxyribonucleic acid: DNA; double helix
- Chemistry (BC)
- Other functions (BC)
- Amino acids: description
- Absolute configuration at the aposition
- Dipolar ions
- Classification
- Acidic or basic
- Hydrophilic or hydrophobic
- Synthesis of a-amino acids (OC)
- Strecker Synthesis
- Gabriel Synthesis
- Peptides and proteins: reactions
- Sulfur linkage for cysteine and cystine
- Peptide linkage: polypeptides and proteins
- Hydrolysis (BC)
- General Principles
- Primary structure of proteins
- Secondary structure of proteins
- Tertiary structure of proteins
- Isoelectric point
The Three-Dimensional Protein Structure (BC)
- Conformational stability
- Hydrophobic interactions
- Solvation layer (entropy)
- Quaternary structure
- Denaturing and Folding
- Binding
- Immune system
- Motor
- Description, Types
- Storage
- Triacylglycerols
- Free fatty acids: saponification
- Structural
- Phospholipids and phosphatids
- Sphingolipids (BC)
- Waxes
- Signals/cofactors
- Fat-soluble vitamins
- Steroids
- Prostaglandins (BC)
- Description
- Nomenclature and classification, common names
- Absolute configuration
- Cyclic structure and conformations of hexoses
- Epimers and anomers
- Hydrolysis of the glycoside linkage
- Keto-enol tautomerism of monosaccharides
- Disaccharides (BC)
- Polysaccharides (BC)
- Description
- Nomenclature
- Physical properties
- Important reactions
- Nucleophilic addition reactions at C=O bond
- Acetal, hemiacetal
- Imine, enamine
- Hydride reagents
- Cyanohydrin
- Oxidation of aldehydes
- Reactions at adjacent positions: enolate chemistry
- Keto-enol tautomerism (a-racemization)
- Aldol condensation, retro-aldol
- Kinetic versus thermodynamicenolate
- General principles
- Effect of substituents on reactivity of C=O; steric hindrance
- Acidity of a-H; carbanions
- Description
- Nomenclature
- Physical properties (acidity, hydrogen bonding)
- Important reactions
- Oxidation
- Substitution reactions: SN1 or SN2
- Protection of alcohols
- Preparation of mesylates and tosylates
- Description
- Nomenclature
- Physical properties
- Important reactions
- Carboxyl group reactions
- Amides (and lactam), esters (and lactone), anhydride formation
- Reduction
- Decarboxylation
- Reactions at 2-position, substitution
- Description
- Nomenclature
- Physical properties
- Important reactions
- Nucleophilic substitution
- Transesterification
- Hydrolysis of amides
- General principles
- Relative reactivity of acid derivatives
- Steric effects
- Electronic effects
- Strain (e.g., þ-lactams)
Phenols (OC, BC)
- Oxidation and reduction (e.g., hydroquinones, ubiquinones): biological 2e–redox centers
Polycyclic and Heterocyclic Aromatic Compounds (OC, BC)
- Biological aromatic heterocycles
Content Category 5E: Principles of chemical thermodynamics and kinetics
- Classification by reaction type
- Mechanism
- Substrates and enzyme specificity
- Active site model
- Induced-fit model
- Cofactors, coenzymes, and vitamins
- Kinetics
- General (catalysis)
- Michaelis–Menten
- Cooperativity
- Effects of local conditions on enzyme activity
- Inhibition
- Regulatory enzymes
- Allosteric
- Covalently modified
- Bioenergetics/thermodynamics
- Free energy/Keq
- Concentration
- Phosphorylation/ATP
- ATP hydrolysis ∆G<< 0
- ATP group transfers
- Biological oxidation–reduction
- Half-reactions
- Soluble electron carriers
- Flavoproteins
- Thermodynamic system–state function
- Zeroth Law–concept of temperature
- First Law−conservation of energy in thermodynamic processes
- PV diagram: work done = area under or enclosed by curve (PHY)
- Second Law–concept of entropy
- Entropy as a measure of “disorder”
- Relative entropy for gas, liquid, and crystal states
- Measurement of heat changes (calorimetry), heat capacity, specific heat
- Heat transfer–conduction, convection, radiation (PHY)
- Endothermic/exothermic reactions(GC)
- Enthalpy, H, and standard heats of reaction and formation
- Hess’ Law of Heat Summation
- Bond dissociation energy as related to heats of formation (GC)
- Free energy:G(GC)
- Spontaneous reactions and ∆G° (GC)
- Coefficient of expansion (PHY)
- Heat of fusion, heat of vaporization
- Phase diagram: pressure and temperature
- Reaction rate
- Dependence of reaction rate on concentration of reactants
- Rate law, rate constant
- Reaction order
- Rate-determining step
- Dependence of reaction rate upon temperature
- Activation energy
- Activated complex or transition state
- Interpretation of energy profiles showing energies of reactants, products, activation energy, and 6Hfor the reaction
- Use of the Arrhenius Equation
- Kinetic control versus thermodynamic control of a reaction
- Catalysts
- Equilibrium in reversible chemical reactions
- Law of Mass Action
- Equilibrium Constant
- Application of Le Châtelier’s Principle
- Relationship of the equilibrium constant and ΔG°
Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior
Content Category 6A: Sensing the environment
Sensory Processing (PSY, BIO)
- Sensation
- Threshold
- Weber’s Law (PSY)
- Signal detection theory (PSY)
- Sensory adaptation
- Psychophysics
- Sensory receptors
- Sensory pathways
- Types of sensory receptor
Vision (PSY, BIO)
- Structure and function of the eye
- Visual processing
- Visual pathways in the brain
- Parallel processing (PSY)
- Feature detection (PSY)
Hearing (PSY, BIO)
- Structure and function of the ear
- Auditory processing (e.g., auditory pathways in the brain)
- Sensory reception by hair cells
Other Senses (PSY, BIO)
- Somatosensation (e.g., pain perception)
- Taste (e.g., taste buds/chemoreceptors that detect specific chemicals)
- Smell
- Olfactory cells/chemoreceptors that detect specific chemicals
- Pheromones (BIO)
- Olfactory pathways in the brain (BIO)
- Kinesthetic sense (PSY)
- Vestibular sense
- Bottom-up/Top-down processing
- Perceptual organization (e.g., depth, form, motion, constancy)
- Gestalt principles
Content Category 6B: Making sense of the environment
Attention (PSY)
- Selective attention
- Divided attention
Cognition (PSY)
- Information-processing model
- Cognitive development
- Piaget’s stages of cognitive development
- Cognitive changes in late adulthood
- Role of culture in cognitive development
- Influence of heredity and environment on cognitive development
- Biological factors that affect cognition (PSY, BIO)
- Problem solving and decision making
- Types of problem solving
- Barriers to effective problem solving
- Approaches to problem solving
- Heuristics and biases(e.g., overconfidence, belief perseverance)
- Intellectual functioning
- Theories of intelligence
- Influence of heredity and environment on intelligence
- Variations in intellectual ability
- States of consciousness
- Alertness (PSY, BIO)
- Sleep
- Stages of sleep
- Sleep cycles and changes to sleep cycles
- Sleep and circadian rhythms (PSY, BIO)
- Dreaming
- Sleep–wake disorders
- Hypnosis and meditation
- Consciousness-altering drugs
- Types of consciousness-altering drugs and their effects on the nervous systemandbehavior
- Drug addiction and the reward pathway in the brain
- Encoding
- Process of encoding information
- Processes that aid in encoding memories
- Storage
- Types of memory storage (e.g., sensory, working, long-term)
- Semantic networks and spreading activation
- Retrieval
- Recall, recognition, and relearning
- Retrieval cues
- The role of emotion in retrieving memories (PSY, BIO)
- Processes that aid retrieval
- Forgetting
- Aging and memory
- Memory dysfunctions (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, Korsakoff’s syndrome)
- Decay
- Interference
- Memory construction and source monitoring
- Changes in synaptic connections underlie memory and learning (PSY, BIO)
- Neural plasticity
- Memory and learning
- Long-term potentiation
- Theories of language development(e.g., learning, Nativist, Interactionist)
- Influence of language on cognition
- Brain areas that control language and speech (PSY, BIO)
Content Category 6C: Responding to the world
- Three components of emotion (i.e., cognitive, physiological, behavioral)
- Universal emotions (i.e., fear, anger, happiness, surprise, joy, disgust, and sadness)
- Adaptive role of emotion
- Theories of emotion
- James–Lange theory
- Cannon–Bard theory
- Schachter–Singer theory
- The role of biological processes in perceiving emotion(PSY, BIO)
- Brain regions involved in the generation and experience of emotions
- The role of the limbic system in emotion
- Emotion and the autonomic nervous system
- Physiological markers of emotion (signatures of emotion)
- The nature of stress
- Appraisal
- Different types of stressors (e.g., cataclysmic events, personal)
- Effects of stress on psychological functions
- Stress outcomes/response to stressors
- Physiological (PSY, BIO)
- Emotional
- Managing stress (e.g., exercise, relaxation, spirituality)
Content Category 7A: Individual influences on behavior
- The nervous system
- Neurons (e.g., the reflex arc)
- Neurotransmitters
- Structure and function of the peripheral nervous system
- Structure and function of the central nervous system
- The brain
- Forebrain
- Midbrain
- Hindbrain
- Lateralization of cortical functions
- Methods used in studying the brain
- The spinal cord
- Neuronal communication and its influence on behavior (PSY)
- Influence of neurotransmitters on behavior (PSY)
- The endocrine system
- Components of the endocrine system
- Effects of the endocrine system on behavior
- Behavioral genetics
- Genes, temperament, and heredity
- Adaptive value of traits and behaviors
- Interaction between heredity and environmental influences
- Influence of genetic and environmental factors on the development of behaviors
- Experience and behavior (PSY)
- Regulatory genes and behavior (BIO)
- Genetically based behavioral variation in natural populations
- Human physiological development (PSY)
- Prenatal development
- Motor development
- Developmental changes in adolescence
Personality (PSY)
- Theories of personality
- Psychoanalytic perspective
- Humanistic perspective
- Trait perspective
- Social cognitive perspective
- Biological perspective
- Behaviorist perspective
- Situational approach to explaining behavior
Psychological Disorders (PSY)
- Understanding psychological disorders
- Biomedical vs. biopsychosocial approaches
- Classifying psychological disorders
- Rates of psychological disorders
- Types of psychological disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- Obsessive–compulsive disorder
- Trauma-and stressor-related disorders
- Somatic symptom and related disorders
- Bipolar and related disorders
- Depressive disorders
- Schizophrenia
- Dissociative disorders
- Personality disorders
- Biological bases of nervous system disorders (PSY, BIO)
- Schizophrenia
- Depression
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Parkinson’s disease
- Stem cell-based therapy to regenerate neurons in the central nervous system (BIO)
Motivation (PSY)
- Factors that influence motivation
- Instinct
- Arousal
- Drives (e.g., negative feedback systems) (PSY, BIO)
- Needs
- Factors that influence motivation
- Drive reduction theory
- Incentive theory
- Other theories (e.g., cognitive, need-based)
- Biological and sociocultural motivators that regulate behavior(e.g., hunger, sex drive, substanceaddiction)
Attitudes (PSY)
- Components of attitudes (i.e., cognitive, affective, and behavioral)
- The link between attitudes and behavior
- Processes by which behavior influences attitudes (e.g., foot-in-the door phenomenon, role-playing effects)
- Processes by which attitudes influence behavior
- Cognitive dissonance theory
Content Category 7B: Social processes that influence human behavior
How the Presence of Others Affects Individual Behavior (PSY)
- Social facilitation
- Deindividuation
- Bystander effect
- Social loafing
- Social control (SOC)
- Peer pressure (PSY, SOC)
- Conformity (PSY, SOC)
- Obedience (PSY, SOC)
Group Decision-making Processes (PSY, SOC)
- Group polarization (PSY)
- Groupthink
Normative and Non-normative Behavior (SOC)
- Social norms (PSY, SOC)
- Sanctions (SOC)
- Folkways, mores, and taboos (SOC)
- Anomie (SOC)
- Deviance
- Perspectives on deviance (e.g., differential association, labeling theory, strain theory)
- Aspects of collective behavior (e.g., fads, mass hysteria, riots)
Socialization (PSY, SOC)
- Agents of socialization (e.g., the family, mass media, peers, workplace)
Content Category 7C: Attitude and behavior change
Habituation and Dishabituation (PSY)
Associative Learning (PSY)
- Classical conditioning (PSY, BIO)
- Neutral, conditioned, and unconditioned stimuli
- Conditioned and unconditioned response
- Processes: acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, discrimination
- Operant conditioning (PSY, BIO)
- Processes of shaping and extinction
- Types of reinforcement: positive, negative, primary, conditional
- Reinforcement schedules: fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, fixed-interval, variable-interval
- Punishment
- Escape and avoidance learning
- The role of cognitive processes in associative learning
- Biological processes that affect associative learning (e.g., biological predispositions, instinctive drift) (PSY, BIO)
Observational Learning (PSY)
- Modeling
- Biological processes that affect observational learning
- Mirror neurons
- Role of the brain in experiencing vicarious emotions
- Applications of observational learning to explain individual behavior
Theories of Attitude and Behavior Change (PSY)
- Elaboration likelihood model
- Social cognitive theory
- Factors that affect attitude change (e.g., changing behavior, characteristics of themessage andtarget, social factors)
Content Category 8A: Self-identity
Self-Concept, Self-identity, and Social Identity (PSY, SOC)
- The role of self-esteem, self-efficacy, and locus of control in self-concept and self-identity (PSY)
- Different types of identities(e.g., race/ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, class)
Formation of Identity (PSY, SOC)
- Theories of identity development (e.g., gender, moral, psychosexual, social)
- Influence of social factors on identity formation
- Influence of individuals (e.g., imitation, looking-glass self, role-taking)
- Influence of groups (e.g., reference group)
- Influence of culture and socialization on identity formation
Content Category 8B: Social thinking
Attributing Behavior to Persons or Situations (PSY)
- Attributional processes(e.g., fundamental attribution error, role of culture in attributions)
- How self-perceptions shape our perceptions of others
- How perceptions of the environment shape our perceptions of others
Prejudice and Bias (PSY, SOC)
- Processes that contribute to prejudice
- Power, prestige, and class (SOC)
- The role of emotion in prejudice (PSY)
- The role of cognition in prejudice (PSY)
- Stereotypes
- Ethnocentrism (SOC)
- Ethnocentrism vs. cultural relativism
Processes Related to Stereotypes (PSY)
- Self-fulfilling prophecy
- Stereotype threat
Content Category 8C: Social interactions
Elements of Social Interaction (PSY, SOC)
- Status (SOC)
- Types of status (e.g., achieved, ascribed)
- Role
- Role conflict and role strain
- Role exit (SOC)
- Groups
- Primary and secondary groups (SOC)
- In-group vs. out-group
- Group size (e.g., dyads, triads) (SOC)
- Networks (SOC)
- Organizations (SOC)
- Formal organization
- Bureaucracy
- Characteristics of an ideal bureaucracy
- Perspectives on bureaucracy (e.g., iron law of oligarchy, McDonaldization)
Self-presentation and Interacting with Others (PSY, SOC)
- Expressing and detecting emotion
- The role of gender in the expression and detection of emotion
- The role of culture in the expression and detection of emotion
- Presentation of self
- Impression management
- Front stage vs. back stage self (Dramaturgical approach) (SOC)
- Verbal and nonverbal communication
- Animal signals and communication (PSY, BIO)
Social Behavior (PSY)
- Attraction
- Aggression
- Attachment
- Altruism
- Social support (PSY, SOC)
- Biological explanations of social behavior in animals (PSY, BIO)
- Foraging behavior (BIO)
- Mating behavior and mate choice
- Applying game theory (BIO)
- Altruism
- Inclusive fitness (BIO)
Discrimination (PSY, SOC)
- Individual vs. institutional discrimination (SOC)
- The relationship between prejudice and discrimination
- How power, prestige, and class facilitate discrimination (SOC)
Content Category 9A: Understanding social structure
Theoretical Approaches (SOC)
- Microsociology vs. macrosociology
- Functionalism
- Conflict theory
- Symbolic interactionism
- Social constructionism
- Exchange-rational choice
- Feminist theory
Social Institutions (SOC)
- Education
- Hidden curriculum
- Teacher expectancy
- Educational segregation and stratification
- Family (PSY, SOC)
- Forms of kinship (SOC)
- Diversity in family forms
- Marriage and divorce
- Violence in the family (e.g., child abuse, elder abuse, spousal abuse) (SOC)
- Religion
- Religiosity
- Types of religious organizations (e.g., churches, sects, cults)
- Religion and social change (e.g., modernization, secularization, fundamentalism)
- Government and economy
- Power and authority
- Comparative economic and political systems
- Division of labor
- Health and medicine
- Medicalization
- The sick role
- Delivery of health care
- Illness experience
- Social epidemiology
Culture (PSY, SOC)
- Elements of culture (e.g., beliefs, language, rituals, symbols, values)
- Material vs. symbolic culture (SOC)
- Culture lag (SOC)
- Culture shock (SOC)
- Assimilation (SOC)
- Multiculturalism (SOC)
- Subcultures and countercultures (SOC)
- Mass media and popular culture (SOC)
- Evolution and human culture (PSY, BIO)
- Transmission and diffusion (SOC)
Content Category 9B: Demographic characteristics and processes
Demographic Structure of Society (PSY, SOC)
- Age
- Aging and the life course
- Age cohorts (SOC)
- Social significance of aging
- Gender
- Sex versus gender
- The social construction of gender (SOC)
- Gender segregation (SOC)
- Race and ethnicity (SOC)
- The social construction of race
- Racialization
- Racial formation
- Immigration status (SOC)
- Patterns of immigration
- Intersections with race and ethnicity
- Sexual orientation
Demographic Shifts and Social Change (SOC)
- Theories of demographic change (i.e., Malthusian theory and demographic transition)
- Population growth and decline (e.g., population projections, population pyramids)
- Fertility, migration, and mortality
- Fertility and mortality rates (e.g., total, crude, age-specific)
- Patterns in fertility and mortality
- Push and pull factors in migration
- Social movements
- Relative deprivation
- Organization of social movements
- Movement strategies and tactics
- Globalization
- Factors contributing to globalization (e.g., communication technology, economic interdependence)
- Perspectives on globalization
- Social changes in globalization (e.g., civil unrest, terrorism)
- Urbanization
- Industrialization and urban growth
- Suburbanization and urban decline
- Gentrification and urban renewal
Content Category 10A: Social inequality
Spatial Inequality (SOC)
- Residential segregation
- Neighborhood safety and violence
- Environmental justice (location and exposure to health risks)
Social Class (SOC)
- Aspects of social stratification
- Social class and socioeconomic status
- Class consciousness and false consciousness
- Cultural capital and social capital
- Social reproduction
- Power, privilege, and prestige
- Intersectionality (e.g., race, gender, age)
- Socioeconomic gradient in health
- Global inequalities
- Patterns of social mobility
- Intergenerational and intragenerational mobility
- Vertical and horizontal mobility
- Meritocracy
- Poverty
- Relative and absolute poverty
- Social exclusion (segregation andisolation)
Health Disparities (SOC)
(e.g., class, gender, and race inequalities in health)
Healthcare Disparities (SOC)
(e.g., class, gender, and race inequalities in health care)